Green Drain Partner Training in English

The program consists of three parts:

1. Product training

2. Sales training

3. The certification

Some practical information

You will be guided through the three modules in order. 

You sign up through the link "SignUp" in the main menu.  

You can use any screen size, however, if you are on a mobile device, we recommend that you rotate your screen, to get an optimal experience. Alternatively, you can download the app from Talent LMS. Your login is the same on the app.

You can take the programs in your own pace, and you can open and close the program as you wish - don't worry we will keep track of your progress. However, the certification section must be completed within 60 minutes. 

Once you have completed and passed the certification, you will receive your certificate by e-mail.

If you have any issues or have questions, please contact
